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Four Reasons Your Office May Benefit From Hiring A Janitorial Service

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Running a business can be a lot of work. The last thing you want to deal with is trying to run it when it is messy and disorganized. This will only put you behind and distract you from what you need to get done. If you have ever considered hiring a janitorial service, then you probably questioned if the costs were worth it. Experts suggest that you can expect to pay around $20 to $30 per visit for a small office, but you could end up paying $500 to $700 a month for a larger office with multiple rooms. In order to determine whether having your business professionally cleaned is worth it, you want to understand the benefits. Here are some things to consider:

Healthier Environment

Whether you have two employees or two hundred employees, the surfaces around your business can be covered in germs. If you have customers come in on a daily basis, you can expect even more germs brought in. These bacteria filled surfaces can eventually make people sick if they are not cleaned properly, causing you to deal with employees calling in sick. This can put a damper on how your business is running when you are understaffed due to sick employees. In fact, about $227 billion is incurred by businesses from loss production due to employee sick days and presenteeism (when an employee reports to work but is not able to work at his or her best due to illness). Hiring a janitorial service that utilizes proper sanitation practices can help decrease sicknesses in the workplace. 

Good First Impression

When you do have customers walk into your business, the first impression can mean everything. The last thing you want them coming into is a messy and unorganized office. Being disorganized can lead to some major issues with your customers including, destroying your brand, harming your client relations, stifling production, and decreasing employee engagement. 

Save Time

There are days when you are going to be busier than other days. It is crucial that on the busy days, you can maneuver around the office as efficiently as possible. When every minute counts, you want to be able to find everything right away. In a messy office, you will spend useless time looking for things. In fact, an employee spends around one hour a day looking for something, according to statistics. This can accumulate to a lot of wasted time over the course of a year. Any amount of downtime that you spend looking for stuff could result in the loss of money. 

Save Money

When you choose to clean the business yourself, you could end up costing yourself money over the long run. First, you want to make sure you are using the right cleaning products to ensure that you do not damage office equipment. Purchasing cleaning supplies can add to your overhead. You also have to train employees how to use the cleaning supplies and find a place to store them. Additionally, you could be using your time more wisely by hiring a janitorial service to do the cleaning so you could focus on running the business and making more money. 
