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Ways That A Hot Tub Repair Service Will Deal With A Leak

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When you own a hot tub, it's a concern if you notice a puddle of water beneath the unit. This is indicative of a leak, and while many hot tub leaks can be extremely small, they're not something to ignore because they can often worsen over time. If you're aware of a hot tub leak, reach out to a hot tub repair service. A technician will visit your home to assess the problem and address it promptly. The source of the leak can be obvious in some situations. In other scenarios, the technician may opt to replace a few specific parts of the hot tub that are prone to leaking over time. Here are three things that they may do. 

Replace Gaskets

The pipes that are positioned below a hot tub have gaskets at each end. Gaskets, which are typically made of rubber, slowly deteriorate over time. If your hot tub is on the older side, there's a chance that the leak is a result of a worn-out gasket. It's possible that the technician may quickly identify the problematic gasket, but they might also express concern that multiple gaskets could be leaky. They'll typically remove all of the hot tub's original gaskets and replace them with new gaskets that will provide a solid barrier against water leakage.

Repair Pipes

It's also possible that your hot tub could be leaking because of damage to one of the pipes. This issue can sometimes occur for people who live in cold climates. If you've had a power outage, which will cause the water in the hot tub's pipes to cool down and eventually freeze, pipe damage is possible. As the water freezes, it expands—possibly causing even a small crack in the pipe. If your technician is able to identify the damage to the pipe, they'll repair or replace it.

Patch Liner Holes

If your hot tub has a soft liner, it's possible for this material to develop a hole—just as a swimming pool liner can get a hole for various reasons. You can expect that your technician will thoroughly inspect the entire surface of the hot tub's liner in an effort to determine if any holes are present. Rather than replacing the liner, which is expensive, the technician will patch the problem areas with a patch material that resembles the liner as closely as possible.

Reach out to a hot tub repair service, such as Honey Spas, for help with a leaky hot tub.
