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3 Ways To Get Rid Of Fire Ants

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Fire ants, also known as red ants, are annoying pests that can quickly take over a yard. They can also be dangerous, especially to young children or pets, due to the bites they inflict. If you are having difficulties getting rid of fire ants in or around your home, here are three tips for getting rid of them quickly and efficiently:

Use Insecticide on Indoor Ants

If you're having problems with fire ants inside the house, you must kill them before they can harm anyone. The most effective way to kill them directly is by using an over-the-counter insecticide on any trails you find. If possible, use organic insecticide, as this type is less harmful to children and pets. Keep kids and pets away from the area where you've sprayed for at least a few hours.

Use Bait for Large Outdoor Mounds

Fire ants, whether they're found indoors or outdoors, all originate from dirt mounds outside the home. Fire ants tend to build large mounds that are easily noticeable, usually in dry, dirt-filled areas such as gardens and dirt driveways. If the mound is large, it's best to use bait or mound treatment. Place professional or over-the-counter treatment inside the mound, but be sure to fence this area off from pets and children beforehand.

For best results, pair the bait with an insecticide that can be dissolved in water. Use a large quantity of water and douse the entire mound in the insecticide. This will kill the central area of the colony for good.

Use Other Substances for Smaller Mounds

In addition to the main, central mound, fire ants will often build smaller mounds that are also part of the main colony. To ensure that the entire colony and the queen get killed, you'll need to treat every single mound. It can get rather expensive to use ant bait for every single mound, however.

For the smaller mounds, you can use a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda to kill the fire ants in that area and prevent them from relocating the colony to a different mound. Mix the treatment with water to ensure that it gets as far down the tunnels as possible.

Fire ants can be a serious problem in many areas of the U.S. if the tunnels are left untreated. Use the above methods to treat colonies and ensure that fire ants won't be a problem again.

For more information, or if you would like professional assistance, contact Greenleaf Organic Pest Management or a similar company.
