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Learn How To Paint A Mesh Backed Office Chair To Make It Bold And Unique

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Office chairs with mesh backs, from a place like Alexander Brothers Ltd, are often very comfortable because they give you great back support and allow air to circulate around your back to keep you from getting too hot throughout the day. The only problem with these types of chairs is that they are not always available in bright colors. Use the following guide to learn how to turn your boring office chair into a work of art you'll be proud to have in your office.

Prepare to Paint the Mesh

In order to paint the chair numerous colors, you need to use painter's tape to cover certain parts of the chair while you paint others. The easiest part of the chair to paint first is the mesh back. Place painter's tape around the frame on the back that holds the mesh in place. Place a sheet over the arms of the chair so that it covers the seat and bottom half of the chair. This will save you from having to tape up all of the different sections of the chair.

Paint the Mesh

Use chrome colored spray paint to paint the mesh portion of the chair. The paint will pass through the mesh so be sure that there is nothing in front of or behind the chair that you do not want to have painted. Allow the paint to dry for thirty minutes and then apply another coat of paint. Allow the paint to dry for an hour and then remove the tape.

Prepare to Paint the Chair Frame

Apply painter's tape to all of the mesh. Place the tape as close to the frame as possible without actually getting the tape on the frame. Apply painter's tape around the edge of the fabric of the seat. The tape will not damage the fabric. Again, get as close to the edge of the frame as you can. The center of the seat will be exposed, but you can fold the sheet and lay it on the fabric to protect it from the paint so you do not have to apply tape to the entire seat.

Paint the Frame

Use a brightly colored spray paint to paint the entire frame of the chair. Apply the paint in short spurts to ensure that you do not have any drips coming down the frame. The paint will need thirty minutes to dry and then another coat will need to be applied. Allow the paint to dry for an hour and then remove the tape and the sheet from the chair. The chair will now be ready to use.

If you want to create a color scheme in your office without having to paint all of the other furniture, consider spray painting knick knacks you want to display on your desk, bookcases, or tables in your office the same color as the chair. This will tie all of the office together and create a unified look in the room. 
