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Hanging Beautiful Artwork: Three Important Tips

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It's nice to have a beautiful piece of art; however, if you aren't hanging the piece correctly, you can limit its beauty. Hanging artwork involves a lot more than simply finding a complementary frame and carving out a space on the wall. Make sure you know how to hang your beautiful artwork to cast its beauty in the best light.

Choose The Right Orientation

If you have a piece that can be translated from any angle, make sure you are playing around with the orientation to see which style, horizontal or vertical, looks best. When hanging beautiful artwork, you want the piece to make a statement so it's best to have the piece take up as much of the wall space as you can.

If you're hanging it on a tall, narrow wall, a vertical orientation is probably the better option. For a wide, shorter wall, choose a horizontal layout. Each style will keep the art as the focal point and allow its beauty to stand out.  

Try To Match Themes

While your artwork and the décor within the space where it will hang don't have to be identical, they should at least be complementary of one another. The piece should make sense for the space to create a more cohesive look. A piece that is too different from the theme of in the room can clash and look more odd, than beautiful. For a cohesive look, hang the artwork in a room that has the same tone, such as modern, or color scheme. If you don't have any room in your home where the piece would fit well, an empty space like a foyer is always an option.

Keep It Eye Level

Remember to hang the piece at eye level. Hanging a piece in this manner isn't just something people suggest without reason. When you hang the art this way, you get to witness the full beauty of the piece.

When it's hung too high or too low, this alters the way you see the imagery, ultimately altering the intended view and beauty crafted by the artist. It's important to note that eye level doesn't always mean the middle of the wall. In a room with shorter ceilings, eye level might be near the top of the wall so keep this in mind.

How you hang your artwork speaks volumes when it comes to how the piece is viewed. Make sure you are hanging your artwork in a way that allows its beauty to shine.
