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Clean A Water Fountain's Submersible Pump

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If you purchased a garden water fountains for sale your backyard and the submersible pump has stopped operating, debris may be trapped in one of its internal components. Learn how to clean the pump with the following steps. After the pump is clean, reinstall the pump and water will flow through the fountain the proper way.


  • screwdriver
  • bucket of soapy water
  • stiff-bristled scrub brush
  • tube brush
  • replacement filter
  • rubbing alcohol
  • lint-free cloths
  • water hose

Disconnect The Pump And Remove Algae And Debris

Turn off the fountain. Locate the submersible pump. It will most likely be in the base of the fountain, next to the interior wall. If the pump is secured inside of a bracket, use a screwdriver to loosen and remove hardware that is holding it in place. Slide the pump through the bracket and gently pull the tubing loose that is connected to the pump. Slide the filter out from the bottom of the pump.

Place the pump and filter in a bucket of soapy water and move them swiftly back and forth as they are submerged so that algae and debris is loosened. Move a stiff-bristled scrub brush over the pump's surface to finish removing any residue that remains. Insert a tube brush into small crevices that can't be reached with a standard scrub brush. Rinse the pump off with a water hose when finished.

Remove Surface Stains And Replace The Filter

If any surface stains were not removed with soapy water, pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol onto a lint-free cloth and wipe it across the pump's surface. Use firm pressure while cleaning the pump and add more rubbing alcohol to the cloth as needed. Rinse the pump off well with a water hose when finished. Turn the pump over and slide the filter back into the appropriate spot on the pump. If you were unable to remove residue from the original filter, purchase a replacement one.

Reattach The Submersible Pump

Place the submersible pump in the base of the fountain and slide it back into the bracket. Reattach the hardware that was previously connected to the filter. Connect the tubing to the pump and plug in the fountain. Turn on the pump to make sure that it is operating properly. Water should flow freely through the tubing. Clean the water pump after you use it for an extended amount of time so that it continues to work the proper way in the future.
