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Simple Steps To Replace A Torn Gasket Seal On A Refrigerator

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A torn gasket seal on your refrigerator will prevent the door from staying shut, wasting energy and increasing the temperature that food items are stored at. Learn how to remove and replace this important part with the following steps. After you have completed the repair, keep the gasket seal clean and dry so that it lasts for many years.

Materials Needed

  • measuring tape
  • replacement gasket
  • screwdriver
  • plastic putty knife
  • mild detergent
  • water
  • sponge
  • lint-free cloth

Remove The Damaged Gasket 

Open the refrigerator door and lift up one side of the gasket until you locate one of the screws that holds the door panel in place. Loosen the screw, but do not remove it. Work your way all away around the gasket, locating the screws and loosening them. Once all of the screws have been loosened, pull the door panel slightly away from the door. Placing a small amount of space in between the panel and the door will make it easier for you to remove the gasket.

The gasket will be resting over a grooved section in the door that runs around its perimeter. Lift up the edge of the gasket and pull it forward, over the groove and the door panel. If you have any trouble removing part of the gasket, ease it off of the door by wedging a plastic putty knife under the gasket and shimmying it forward.

Measure And Replace The Gasket

Measure the length of the gasket so that you purchase a replacement that is the proper size. Appliance dealerships, like Arnie's Dependable Appliance Repair, and many retail stores sell these vital parts. Clean the area where the new gasket will be placed with soapy water and a sponge. Remove the soapy residue from the door with a sponge that has been rinsed out with plain water. Dry the door's surface with a lint-free cloth.

Begin attaching the new gasket by sliding one corner of it over the door panel and resting it on top of the groove. Continue lining more of the gasket up, working your way around the perimeter of the door until the entire piece is in place. Lift up the edge of the new gasket and locate the screws. Press the door panel back towards the door and tighten the screws until the panel is secure.

Keep the gasket seal clean and dry to prevent it from becoming damaged. Never pull on the refrigerator door with force because this could tear the gasket seal. If you follow these tips, the gasket will last for years.
