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5 Things You Need To Know About Pharaoh Ants

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There are many types of ants that homeowners need to worry about, and while they all look very similar to the untrained eye, these ants are very different. Control methods that work for one type of ant won't work for other types, so you need to know what you're dealing with before you start putting out baits and traps. Here's what you need to know about one of these ants, pharaoh ants.

What do pharaoh ants look like?

Pharaoh ants are a very tiny species of ant: The largest specimens only reach a length of about 2 mm. This makes them one of the smallest types of ants that you're likely to encounter around your home. Pharaoh ants range between tan and reddish brown.

What is their range?

Pharaoh ants are native to Africa, but due to indoor heating, they can now be found throughout the United States. In the southern states, you may discover their nests in your backyard or inside your house, but in the northern states, the ants need to stay indoors.

Why do they infest houses?

Your home provides shelter for the ants, especially in the northern states where they can't live outside. Once they get inside your house, the many delicious foods in your kitchen support their growing colony. In the wild, pharaoh ants feed on things like dead cockroaches, but inside your house, they can gorge themselves on sugary or greasy treats like jam, honey, bread, butter, and bacon.

Why are they a problem?

Pharaoh ants are a problem because they contaminate your food. These ants carry dangerous pathogens like salmonella and staphylococcus, so if you eat food that the ants crawled across, you could get very sick. The presence of the ants can also be unsettling for homeowners because they tend to swarm any food that has been left unattended.

How do you get rid of them?

Pharaoh ants are hard to control because they build their nests in secluded spots such as between your walls. Since you can't reach them with bug spray, the best solution is to use ant baits. Worker ants will bring the poisoned bait back to their queen that will kill her and the rest of the colony. Residual insecticides aren't a good idea because they can cause the colony to split into multiple, smaller colonies, which will make your problem worse.

Pharaoh ants are a big problem for homeowners due to their love for sweet and greasy foods. If you find them in your kitchen, try to kill them with baits, and if you need additional help, call a pest control company.

If you have specific questions about pest control, contact a business like ASE Pest & Weed Supplies.
