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3 Simple Things To Check Before Calling An HVAC Technician

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Air conditioning represents the gold standard of comfort in homes. They keep your home feeling nice and cold on those blazing summer days where being outside can be miserable. As such, you might really find yourself grumpy when your AC unit breaks down. Luckily, there are some common problems you can prevent yourself by doing some routine checks. So, if your AC just isn't up to snuff try these simple steps before calling a technician, such as...

Check Those Filters

Having dirty filters can cause a surprisingly large amount of problems in your air conditioning unit. A clogged filter can hamper air flow which can lead to the unit freezing up and shutting down periodically during it's spin cycle as the cold air gets backed up into the condenser, freezing the unit. Another problem that a dingy filter can cause is that your house simply has a hard time cooling down. The restricted airflow makes it to where the cool air has a problem cycling through your house, which allows the warm air to seep in from the outside faster than your unit can cool the home. So remember to check your filters often and change them every month for maximum efficiency in your HVAC unit.

Clean Off The Condenser Coils

The first sign that your condenser coils might be dirty and in need of a serious cleaning is that your house will start to get a lot warmer than it usually is. Your coils can get dirty for any number of reasons, from things simply falling into the outside unit to bugs that have made their way onto the coils and have become frozen into place. Cleaning your coils regularly can also give you a pleasant surprise as you may notice that your utility bill drops as your unit has to struggle less to cool your home. Lastly, if the coil becomes too caked with debris eventually it will cause other parts in the system to fail. Luckily, cleaning the coils is pretty easy, all you need to do is shut down the unit and then spray it down gently with a hose after it was reached outside temperature.

Check The Fuse Box

Your unit has died, but you can't figure out the cause. The first place you should always check before picking up that phone to call a technician is to check your circuit breaker and make sure the fuse hasn't blown in it. If a fuse is blown and you flip the circuit breaker the unit might start to run and then promptly shut off a few minutes later. Replacing a fuse is really simple and all it really requires is popping the old one out and installing a new one. If you find the unit constantly shutting off after you've replaced the fuse you may have a more serious problem that requires professional help.

So, by checking these three things you can save yourself a bundle on a house call as well as get the self satisfaction of doing it yourself. If it turns out to be a more serious issue, make sure to call an expert like Florida Radon & Mold & Air Conditioning LLC right away.

