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Got Kids? 3 Reasons To Choose Tile Over Other Flooring Options

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When you are a new parent, it can be easy to underestimate the messes that your growing kids can cause. You might figure that you can teach your children to take care of your things or to eat in certain areas of the house. However, when it comes to kids, messes are just part of the package. If you have children, here are three reasons that you should choose tile over other flooring options.

1: Moisture Resistant

Hardwood flooring is beautiful, but unfortunately it can be susceptible to moisture damage. When liquid seeps through the joints, that gorgeous wood plank might warp or the varnish might flake away. To protect your flooring investment, consider choosing tile instead, which isn't prone to water damage.

Unlike wood flooring, tile allows water to simply pool on the surface until you can clean it up. The strong grout that surrounds each tile piece will keep water from penetrating the area, so that you won't need to worry about breakage. By choosing tile, you won't have to worry about sternly correcting your toddler for spilling their juice because fixing the problem is as simple as grabbing a few paper towels. 

2: Easy-to-Clean

Some flooring options allow dirt and grime to be ground in to the area, which can make it very difficult to remove later. Carpet, for example, has millions of fibers that can readily accept pigments, soak in moisture, and rack up dirt. If you want to clean messes out of carpet, you might have to hire professionals to steam-clean your space.

However, one of the best things about tile is that it is tremendously easy to clean. Dirt can be whisked away with a broom and dustpan and tricky substances like spaghetti sauce can be mopped up in no time. Also, because tile is naturally non-porous, you won't need to worry about permanent stains setting before you have a chance to address the mess.

3: Looks Great

If you are worried about creating an attractive home, look no further than tile flooring. In addition to being available in a huge variety of different shapes and colors, professional tile workers from companies like Toliver's Carpet One Floor & Home can also lay pieces in interesting ways. Instead of being bound to solid-colored flooring, you might be able to incorporate interesting borders around the edges of your rooms, or enjoy a neat geometric pattern to make your space stand out.

With tile, you can make your home look gorgeous and unique, without any of the hassle that comes along with caring for other types of flooring.

Choosing flooring that is easy to clean might help you to cut down on your daily chores, so that you can relax.  
