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6 Steps To Making Your Own Decorative Heating Pad

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Have you ever gone into a store that sold microwavable heating pads? They're convenient to have because you don't have to plug them into an outlet, they don't waste electricity, and they fit comfortably on all areas of the body. If you liked the idea, but did not like the price tag attached to those heating pads, you can make your own at home in less than an hour.

Microwave-Friendly Heating Pad: Supplies and Directions

You won't need too many supplies to put a microwave-friendly heating pad together. Here's the list of what to get beforehand:

  • Fabric (any color or design)
  • Fabric scissors
  • Sewing needle
  • Thread
  • 2 cups dried rice
  • Ruler
  • Tape


  1. Set the fabric of your choice on a table. Use a ruler to measure its length and width to your liking before cutting it out of your sheet of fabric. You can make the heating pad as large or as small as you'd like, and you can also decide how you want it shaped.
  2. Take your dried rice and carefully pour it into the center of the fabric. Use your hand to spread the rice from top to bottom, making sure that you have enough. If you've chosen to make a larger heating pad, you may need an extra cup of rice to fill it.
  3. Fold the top half of the fabric vertically over the rice. You'll then have three sides that will need to be sewn shut. Add a small piece of tape to the top, bottom, and right or left side of the fabric to keep them shut.
  4. Place your thread into your sewing needle. Remove a piece of the tape from one side and start sewing that side shut. You can use a basic stitch where you'll work the sewing needed in and out of the fabric until that whole section is sealed shut. Tie and cut any excess thread from the heating pad.
  5. Remove the tape from the next side and start sewing it shut. You can also follow the same process for the last side, using your sewing needle to seal the fabric with thread.
  6. Grab your heating pad and shake it around for a few seconds to make sure that your thread is tight and none of the rice is able to escape. You can then set it into a microwave for 90 seconds, allowing it to get warm before using it.

Anytime you have aches and pains, whether you have menstrual cramps, a backache, or even pain in your legs, the microwave-friendly heating pad can come in handy. Aside from making one for yourself, you can also make them for your family and friends on special occasions. (For more ideas about sewing, contact K & H Quilt Shoppe)
